Monday, October 4, 2010

瑞士卷 (swiss roll) @@@

从小到大对瑞士卷都有一种情意结,其事真係唔知点解,觉得它们可爱到不得了。 一直都好想学做,最近終于拿起心肝学! 哈哈,致从失敗的第一次以后,我好像上了瘾似的,非要把它学会不行!

要做好的蛋卷原来不是想象的容易,首先要蛋糕底要做的鬆軟有蛋味,然后卷也要很有技巧。 话说第一次做这个蛋卷时没有把功課做好,把它低估了。 蛋糕底做的不够鬆軟而且還甜的厲害! 卷的時候又没有準備牛油纸,所以卷不成!徹底失敗!

第二次做準備功夫做好了点,換了個蛋糕底recipe,我找了很久才找到個滿意的海棉蛋糕recipe。 做出來效果错, 很鬆軟, 但就觉得不够甜. 有待改良!至于卷的技巧,我在youtube學了卷手勢,大概都拿捏到80%才做。

這次是第三次嘗試,終于都可以見人啦! 海棉蛋糕的甜度剛剛好! 今次卷了倆條,一條是纯忌廉, 另外一条是鲜士多啤梨。


蛋糕材料: (這個是我焗雪芳蛋糕的食譜)
雞蛋: 5隻 (4隻蛋黃, 5隻蛋白), 室溫
砂糖: 3.1 tbsp
鹽: 1/8 teaspoon
麵粉: 6.3 tbsp
沙拉油: 2.5 tbsp
鮮奶: 3.5 tbsp

鮮忌廉 (whipping cream): 1 杯
砂糖: 1 tbsp
檸檬香油: 1 teaspoon

1. 先準備焗盆舖上牛油紙
2. 沙拉油+鮮奶攪拌混合, 加入砂糖
3. 麵粉過篩後加進1)
4. 分两次加入蛋黄 , 攪拌變蛋黃糊
5. 用另一隻攪拌盆,蛋白打至企身
6. 把蛋黃糊倒入加蛋白霜,用橡皮刀輕手以切拌方式(fold-in)攪拌至混合, 不要打圈攪拌
7. 倒入已舖上牛油紙的焗盆中
8. 入焗爐中層以 350 F 焗 15 分鐘.




卷的過程比較複雜和考手工, 所以我都就不寫出來. 我在youtube 找到個很好的video, 跟著做就可以啦, 我也是在那學的!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

鮮奶土司 (Pain De Mie)~~~

Another one of my all time childhood favorite is 鮮奶土司, or pain de mie in french. Long wanted to try, finally have had a chance to this weekend :)

This is actually my second loaf of bread. My first loaf, a whole wheat loaf, was a failture because I forgot to let it rise for the 2nd time. As a result, the texture turned out to be really densed. This time around, I alter the recipe a little bit, cut the portion of the flour, and instead of being creative using whole wheat flour, I returned to the basic using white flour. I guess I cut too down the portion by a litle bit too much, the dough didn't fill up the entire tin. I guess the portion of flour used (250g) is not enough to fill up a 8 ½ X 4 ½ X 2 ½ tin.

Nevertheless, despite the shape, the texture of the bread is exactly what I have been looking for. It's super soft and cottony! It's tastes even as good after it cools down and I didn't have to toast it.

143g fresh milk (I used 1% low-fat fresh milk)35g egg (~1 egg)25g caster sugar5g salt (~1 tsp plus ¼ tsp)250g All purpose flour4g Instant yeast (~1 tsp plus ¼ tsp)38g unsalted butter (1/2 stick)


In a small saucepan, gently heat the milk and water over low heat until lukewarm
Stir in the sugar, then sprinkle on the yeast and let stand for 10 minutes
Combine the flour, salt, and egg in a electric mixer (I personally used a spatula to mix instead of an electric mixer)
Make a well in the center and add the yeast mixture, mixing until incorporated
Add the butter and mix until blended
Knead for 10 minutes, either by machine or by hand on a floured work surface (I did it by hand)
Form into a ball, set in the center of a buttered bowl, cover, and let rise for 1 hour, or until approximately doubled in volume
Remove the dough from the bowl, punch out the gas, knead briefly (5 min). Divide the dough into 2 equal portion, roll and shape into balls. Let the dough rest for another 15 min
On a lightly flour surface, flatten one dough and roll out into a longish shape. Roll up the dough swiss-roll style. Do the same for the other dough
Flatten the rolled up dough and roll out again into a long rectangular shape. Roll up tightly, and make as many rolls as you can, swiss-roll style for the second time. Do the same for the other dough
Place dough in a lightly buttered bread tin. Let the dough proof for the second time (for another 30 min or until it fills up 80% of the tin). Cover with cling wrap.
Preheat the oven to 395F. Place the loaf in the center of the over, with a baking sheet over the foil to create flat top. Bake 30-35 min, or until the top of the loaf is golden and bottom sounds hollow when tapped.
Unmold the bread and cool completely on a wire rack

8 ½ X 4 ½ X 2 ½ pan

Recipe Source: from "Paris Boulangerie, Patisserie" with variations ----a gift from a friend of mine :)