Sunday, July 24, 2011

Red Bean Mochi 豆沙糯米糍

Mochi, which is a Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice flour, is one of my family's favorite delicacies. My dad is a huge fan of glutinous flour and sweets. This little Japanese delicacy with the combination of glutinous rice flour and sweet red bean paste makes the perfect all year round prominent snack in my house. My mom almost makes it every other week, if not every week! Hence, this recipe I am sharing here is adapted from my mom's original recipe:

(note: makes about 20 mochi)
Glutinous rice flour: 1 Pack or 16oz
Water : 1 1/3 cup
Coconut milk: 1 can
Sugar: ¾ cup
Oi: 2 table spoon

red bean paste: 1 pack

A lot of friends had asked me what exactly is glutinous flour and where can you find it in the store. So I thought I would just show you guys pictures of what it looks like to make it easier to find. From left to right, they are: glutinous rice flour, coconut milk, and red bean paste. All can be found in any aisan market.
1. Combine glutinous rice flour and sugar together
2. Slowly add in the coconut milk and; mix until smooth
3. Prepare a glass shallow plate, brush with oil
4. Pour the mixture from step 2) onto the greased glass plate, steam over high heat with cover for 30 minutes. (hint: use a chopstick to test if the flour is fully cooked. If not much flour mixture stick to the chopstick, it’s done)
5. While the mixture is steaming, in a separate bowl pour 4 table spoons of glutinous rice flour and microwave it for 1 minute. This is for dusting the mocha at the end.
6. Transfer the cooked flour mixture (or the dough) to a greased surface and cut into small pieces using a plastic knife (depending on the size of the mochi you want to make, I usually cut into pieces a bit smaller than the size of a ping pong ball).
7. Note: the cooked dough is super sticky, so make sure you work with a pair of food gloves. Take one piece of the dough, stretch it gently so it will be large enough to envelop the red bean paste, and place it on the palm of your hand, then fold the edge to seal the mochi, lightly roll it into a ball shape using both palms, then coat it with cooked flour (or desiccated coconut).

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